Intuitive Energy Worker & Community Herbalist
Class 1: Harvesting, Drying & Storing Wild and Cultivated Herbs
Video: 1 hr 31 min Notes: 6 pages
Class 2: Herbal Tastes, Energetics, Actions, Constituents & Solubility
Video: 1 hr 49 min Notes: 18 pages
Class 3: Aqueous Extractions & Dual Extractions
Video: 1 hr 18 min Notes: 3 pages
Class 4: Herbal Tinctures, Glycerites & Liniments
Video: 1 hr 30 min Notes: 8 pages
Class 5: Herbal Infused Oils
Video: 1 hr 3 min Notes: 9 pages
Class 6: Herbal Salves & the Safe Use of Essential Oils
Video: 1 hr 23 min Notes: 10 pages
Class 7: Herbal Vinegars, Honeys & Oxymels
Video: 1 hr 11 min Notes: 10 pages
Class 8: Flower Essences & Plant Spirit Connection
Video: 1 hr 55 min Notes: 8 pages
Join Community Herbalist Kelly Pietro in The Emerging Herbalist Workshop Series, an 8-week series designed to introduce you to the foundations and best practices of herbalism at an affordable price!
This series is designed for both beginner and growing herbalists, and will have enough material to grow into as you continue down your path of herbal studies. Each class aims to give you the foundational skills you need in order to study and work with any herbal ally. The course is designed to prepare you to work with any plant so that when you embark upon a new herb you will have the foundational tools and information necessary to advance your understanding of its medicinal virtues. You will learn best practices in herbal preparation, how and when to harvest wild and cultivated herbs, how the taste of the plant gives clues as to its medicinal virtues, and so much more!
I hope you can join me for this 8-week accelerated study to advance you on your path of herbal wisdom!
COST: $25 USD per class
The plants first called to me 18 years ago when I was pregnant with my first son, and my sister suggested I begin eating organically. Not knowing what that meant I began to research the concept, and was quickly horrified to discover our food system was not what I presumed it to be. We set out to plant our first organic garden. It wasn't long before I became more discerning about everything we bought and consumed, which led me to begin making my own plant-based products. As friends and acquaintances became interested in my creations, I found myself making larger and larger batches to meet the requests of my community. I loved the idea that Mother Nature could provide all of the natural ingredients I looked for on a product ingredient label.
As my product offering expanded, I began exploring plant virtues and quickly came to understand that plants were not just useful: they actually had healing capabilities as well. This concept fascinated me! I dove deeper and deeper into my herbal studies. After 7 years of being a hobby herbalist, I decided to pursue more formal trainings.
In my formal trainings, I've logged over 1,700 hours of study with several teachers in varying healing traditions (Western herbalism, Native American herbal traditions, Ayurvedic herbalism, alchemical herbalism, medical astrology, aromatherapy, shamanic herbalism, flower essence therapy, plant spirit medicine, and more). But any herbalist will tell you that the more you learn about herbalism, the more you realize you don't know. In this way, I am, and will forever will be, a student of the plants and the light of nature.
My passion for the plants has led me to the desire to share their wisdom with my community. Whether I'm teaching a workshop, guiding a plant spirit meditation, helping a client in a consultation, or advocating for the environment, my goal is to connect people to plants so that they can ultimately achieve alignment for mind, body + soul.
I would be honored and humbled to lead you through this next phase of your journey with the plants!
Kelly Pietro is an intuitive energy worker, community herbalist, and educator in both fields.
I truly believe that herbal medicine is the peoples medicine and therefore should be easily accessible to all human beings. But so many courses out there are beyond the financial reach for so many people. Inflation is high and many are struggling to pay bills, let alone afford courses. That's why I am offering this series at an extremely affordable rate. No catches.
There are foundational elements to working with plants that, once understood, can be applied to most any plant. This series will provide you with the tools you need in order to study and work with any plant anywhere in the world.
There are various ways to turn plants into useful home remedies, yet there are so many questions! In each class students will receive in-depth instruction on different remedy types, thus having the ability to build your own home apothecary over the series duration.
While the classes do build on one another, you don't need to purchase all of the classes in the series in order to gain the full benefit of the classes you decide to purchase. You can feel free to make your selection based on the topics you'd like to learn about. You can always decide to purchase another class down the road.
Upon your purchase you will be emailed a confirmation with a link to a PDF document embedded in the email. This link, which takes you to your class materials, may only be clicked 3 times. This is an unfortunate limitation imposed by my website hosting service. Be sure that, before you click the link, you are on your personal computer where you can download this document. By downloading immediately, you ensure forever access to your class materials.
A private YouTube link will be embedded in the class materials. You will be given special permission based on the email account given with your purchase. You must log in to YouTube with the same email address in order to access the private YouTube link. Please allow 48 hours from your purchase for access to be granted to the class video.
Please contact with any troubleshooting errors.
There's nothing more empowering than supporting your health and wellness with what Mother Nature has provided! Sign up today to begin your journey with the plants that have supported human health and wellness for time immemorial!
Disclaimer: All content on The Mindful Herbalist website, social media sites, and affiliate sites is for educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the FDA. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, nor should herbal recommendations be considered a prescription of any kind. Consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.